Oven Building Course – 18th June 2011

On Saturday I was lucky enough to run a clay Pizza Oven building course with a fabulous group of 15 people. The course run’s annually from The Sustainability Centre, nr Petersfield, which is a delightful spot in which to spend a day mucking about with clay and sand. The participants on the course spend a whole day building an oven and so will hopefully go away with the knowledge, skills and hopefully the inspiration to build their own. One of the best parts of the day is lunch time when we fire up the Centre’s own clay oven then make and cook delicious pizzas (there I go thinking about eating again!).

Apart from a few rain showers, I think everyone had a good day – I certainly did. I’ll be running two courses next year so book early because they seem to sell-out quite quickly. Below are some photos from Saturday’s course.