
Anyone who has followed this blog over the last few years will be familiar with articles I post that demonstrate how, periodically, I neglect the oven and then have to undertake major repairs. This demonstrates two things. Firstly, I’m not very good at looking after my oven. Secondly, considering these ovens are only made from clay and sand, they are fundamentally extremely resilient.

My oven is almost seven years old now. I have, over the years, repaired the chimney, completely rebuilt the brick arch and replaced some of the outer layer around the front of the oven. You can see these repairs outlined in the following posts:

12. Repairs!

Winter Damage


Time for major repairs!!

Last year I had to replace a large section of the outer layer at the rear of the oven. The following series of photos outlines the process.

As you can see, the oven is very straight forward to repair. I normally keep a bag of clay:sand mixture at hand, ready to use for patching-up the oven when needed.

Obviously, if you take care of your oven better than I do mine, you’ll need to do this less frequently but what I think this demonstrates is that these ovens are much more resilient than most people would expect.

6 thoughts on “Resilience

  1. I haven’t taken the winter wrapping off yet this year. I always wonder what I’ll find. Last year was great! No repairs needed. This winter was really wet, so we’ll see. I too have a bag of clay/sand mixture, just in case.

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